The Unjust Steward … part of the East Window in Saint Michael’s Church, Limerick, made 1878 by Mayer & Co and illustrating 10 parables (Photograph: Patrick Comerford)
Patrick Comerford
We are in the Kingdom Season, the time between All Saints and Advent. The Calendar of the Church of England in Common Worship today remembers the Saints and Martyrs of England (8 November).
Before today begins, before having breakfast, I am taking some quiet time early this morning to give thanks, and for reflection, prayer and reading in these ways:
1, today’s Gospel reading;
2, a short reflection;
3, a prayer from the USPG prayer diary;
4, the Collects and Post-Communion prayer of the day.
‘The Unjust Steward,’ by the Kazakhstan Artist, Nelly Bube (Bubay)
Luke 16: 1-8 (NRSVA):
1 Then Jesus said to the disciples, ‘There was a rich man who had a manager, and charges were brought to him that this man was squandering his property. 2 So he summoned him and said to him, “What is this that I hear about you? Give me an account of your management, because you cannot be my manager any longer.” 3 Then the manager said to himself, “What will I do, now that my master is taking the position away from me? I am not strong enough to dig, and I am ashamed to beg. 4 I have decided what to do so that, when I am dismissed as manager, people may welcome me into their homes.” 5 So, summoning his master’s debtors one by one, he asked the first, “How much do you owe my master?” 6 He answered, “A hundred jugs of olive oil.” He said to him, “Take your bill, sit down quickly, and make it fifty.” 7 Then he asked another, “And how much do you owe?” He replied, “A hundred containers of wheat.” He said to him, “Take your bill and make it eighty.” 8 And his master commended the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly; for the children of this age are more shrewd in dealing with their own generation than are the children of light.’
A ‘Shop To Let’ sign within view of Sidney Sussex College chapel, Cambridge … can we reconcile the values of the Kingdom and the demands of commercial life? (Photograph: Patrick Comerford)
Today’s reflection:
In the Gospel reading for the Eucharist today, we the parable of ‘the Unjust Steward’ or the ‘Parable of the Dishonest Manager’.
Whatever name you give it, this morning’s reading is about ignoring and exploiting the plight of the oppressed and the poor tells us that this amounts to turning away from God and turning towards idolatry. We are called to turn around, and in turning to the needs of the poor we find that we are turning to God.
So, let me tell this morning’s Gospel story (Luke 16: 1-13) in another way. When I left school, I started training as a chartered surveyor and estate manager. I never finished that training, but I can visualise some of the characters in this story.
A very, very rich man lives in a big city, let’s say it is Dublin. He has a luxurious lifestyle made possible by the income from the apartments, hotels and office blocks he owns in the city centre. He has been a major property developer, and a key shareholder in one of the business banks lending to developers.
He has hired an estate manager to run his property holding company, his building society, and his insurance agency while he spends most of his time in his large country house in Co Kildare or Co Meath, or in Marbella playing golf and on his yacht.
All the work of painting, maintaining the lifts and the plumbing in his apartment blocks, working the bar and servicing the rooms in his hotels, and working at the call centres in the office blocks, is done by people who travel in and out from the rims of the city, people whose grandparents probably once lived in the small terraced houses that once stood along the docks or the canal banks but were levelled to build those apartments, office blocks and hotels.
They pay their mortgages to the bank that financed the apartment blocks and similar developments. Their overdrafts are from the same bank. Their mortgage, insurance and life assurance policies are from an agency he owns. They find themselves increasingly in debt, paying school fees, running a car or two cars, meeting hire purchase payments for fridges, freezers, TVs, the children’s school fees and laptops … What they earn is never enough to pay off their mortgages, their overdrafts, their term loans.
These families are slipping further and further into debt, working harder and harder to pay what cannot be paid.
But they never meet the rich developer. The immediate face of this system, of his companies and his investments, is the face of the estate agent who manages the blocks – a man whose grandparents came from the same families as the people who now suffer under his management.
However, his parents had escaped the system, he got a good education, and then got sucked into the system.
The developer hears rumours that the estate manager, who is also his insurance agent, has been squandering the developer’s resource, and gives him his dismissal notice. Now, remember that ‘squandering’ is not necessarily a bad word here – the sower in another parable squanders seed by tossing it on roads and in bird-feeding zones, and the shepherd in one of this week’s parables potentially squanders 99 sheep by running after the lost one; the widow searching for her lost coin risks losing her other nine as she sweeps everything out.
Meanwhile, the estate agent has to work out his notice, but is no longer authorised to let, to rent, to buy, to sell, to do anything at all in the developer’s name.
He probably shares the same background only a generation or two ago with the maintenance workers, the tenants, the workers in the office blocks. But when he is out on his ear, they are not going to help him to find a place to live, or find a new job, given that up to now he has allied himself with the developer’s interests, collecting high rents, refusing to bring down rents when the reviews are due, managing the work rotas for the maintenance workers, forcing them to work longer hours rather than taking on the staff needed for the job, dealing unjustly with both tenants and workers.
He has been demanding higher rents and premiums, and longer working hours, yet providing fewer and fewer services – doing what certain economists have advised him to do: increasing profit margins and productivity and cutting costs at one and the same time.
He may be shrewd, but that is why he is called ‘the dishonest manager’ (verse 8).
The the agent does something that is extraordinarily clever.
He gathers all the tenants and workers who owe him money, and he declares that their debts have been written down, more than the courts could ever write them down, to something that might be repaid, freeing families from heart-breaking choices. He has been upping their rents and their premiums; now he brings them all back to a payable rate. And in doing this, he manages to wipe out the arrears that have been mounting up.
The smart agent manages not to tell the tenants or the workers that he has been sacked. Nor does he tell them that the developer has not authorised any of his largesse. But the tenants and the workers now think the developer, their landlord, is more generous than anyone else in his position could be. The developer is now a hero in their eyes – and, by extension, the agent is too.
The developer comes back for his quarterly or annual visit to pick up the income the agent has collected for him, and he gets a surprise that is exhilarating and challenging. The people are delighted to see him. Workers shake his hands, tenants lean out of the balconies to wave at him, children want to have ‘selfies’ taken with him.
Then, as he inspects the books in the small office the agent has worked from in the complex, he finds out what the agent has done in telling the tenants and the workers that the developer has forgiven their debts.
He has a choice to make.
He can go and tell them that it was all a terrible mistake, that the agent’s ‘stroke’ amounted not to generosity but to theft, or at least to dishonesty, and has no legal basis – he can tell them they are still responsible for the unpaid rent, for the overdrawn loans.
The warm welcome could quickly turn to nasty protests.
Or, the developer can go outside, bask in the unexpected welcome he has received, and take credit for the agent’s actions. At least he has cash in his hand where once he might have had nothing because of defaulting tenants and clients. That would save him going to court, but has he to take the agent back to work for him?
What would you do?
Picture yourself in this dilemma, both as the agent and as the developer.
From the agent’s point of view, does it matter any more what the developer decides to do? Whatever decision the developer makes, his future is safe – either he gets his job back, or his own people are going to look after him.
But here is the big problem: what the agent did is clearly dishonest. He has taken the landlord’s property and squandered it – even after he was sacked and had no right to do anything in the developer’s name.
What is it that the agent has done, without permission? Who has he deceived?
The agent forgives. He forgives things that he had no right to forgive. He forgives for all the wrong reasons, for personal gain and to compensate for his past misconduct. But that decisive action that he undertakes redeems him from a position to which it seems he could not be reconciled, to the developer any more than to the tenants and workers.
So what is the moral of the story?
This story is unique to Saint Luke’s Gospel, and for him there is a significance that is important throughout the third gospel: Forgive. Forgive it all. Forgive it now. Forgive it for any reason you want. Forgive for the right reason. Forgive for the wrong reason. Forgive for no reason at all. Just forgive.
Remember, Saint Luke’s version of the Lord’s Prayer includes the helpful confusion: καὶ ἄφες ἡμῖν τὰς ἁμαρτίας ἡμῶν, καὶ γὰρ αὐτοὶ ἀφίομεν παντὶ ὀφείλοντι ἡμῖν: καὶ μὴ εἰσενέγκῃς ἡμᾶς εἰς πειρασμόν (‘and forgive us our sins for indeed we ourselves are forgiving everyone who is [monetarily] indebted to us’) (Luke 11: 4) – the monetary indebtedness is obvious in the original Greek.
We pray it, but do we put it into practice?
The arrival of the Kingdom of God is no occasion for score-keeping of any kind, whether monetary or moral.
Why should I forgive someone who has sinned against me, or against my sense of what is obviously right? I don’t have to do it out of love for the other person.
I could forgive the other person because of what I pray in the Lord’s Prayer every Sunday if not every morning.
I could forgive because I know I would like to be forgiven myself.
I could forgive because I know what it is like to be me when I am unforgiving.
I could forgive because I am, or I want to be, deeply in touch with a sense of Christ’s power to forgive and free someone just like me.
Or I could forgive because I think it will improve my life and sense of well-being.
It boils down to the same thing: deluded or sane, selfish or unselfish, there is no bad reason to forgive.
Extending the kind of grace God shows me in every possible arena – financial and moral – can only put me more deeply in touch with God’s grace.
If a crafty agent, a dishonest manager, an unjust steward, the sort of person we meet in this Gospel reading, can forgive to save his job or give himself a safety net when he is sacked, then those of us who have the experience of real grace, we have been invited to the Heavenly Banquet, have a better reason than most people to forgive.
Where is the place for Christian values in today’s world of finance and debt? (Photograph: Patrick Comerford)
Today’s Prayers (Friday 8 November 2024):
The theme this week in ‘Pray With the World Church’, the Prayer Diary of the Anglican mission agency USPG (United Society Partners in the Gospel), is ‘Conflict, Confluence and Creativity’. This theme was introduced on Sunday with reflections by Rebecca Boardman, former Operations Manager, USPG.
The USPG Prayer Diary today (Friday 8 November 2024) invites us to pray:
We give thanks to all who have answered your call to ministry and for all who educate and support them to shape them for your service. May you challenge and nurture them with your Word.
The Collect:
God, whom the glorious company of the redeemed adore,
assembled from all times and places of your dominion:
we praise you for the saints of our own land
and for the many lamps their holiness has lit;
and we pray that we also may be numbered at last
with those who have done your will
and declared your righteousness;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
Post Communion Prayer:
God, the source of all holiness
and giver of all good things:
may we who have shared at this table
as strangers and pilgrims here on earth
be welcomed with all your saints
to the heavenly feast on the day of your kingdom;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Yesterday’s Reflection
Continued Tomorrow
The memorial to the Martyrs of the Reformation, both Catholic and Protestant’ in the University Church of Saint Mary the Virgin, Oxford (Photograph: Patrick Comerford)
Scripture quotations are from the New Revised Standard Version Bible: Anglicised Edition copyright © 1989, 1995 National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
07 November 2024
The Square Tower and
the Round Tower, two
neighbouring towers from
the Brooke era in Kuching
The Square Tower in Kuching, originally built as a prison in 1879, now houses the Magenta restaurant (Photograph: Patrick Comerford, 2024)
Patrick Comerford
During the past few weeks in Kuching, I have stopped for coffee on a few occasions in the Round Tower for coffee and had dinner nearby in the Magenta restaurant in the Square Tower, two fortress-like buildings that are part of the architectural legacy of the Brooke era and the rule of the ‘White Rajahs’ in Sarawak.
The Square Tower in Kuching, decorated with the Brooke era coat of arms, is at the edge of the Waterfront on the south bank of Sarawak River. It was originally built as a prison in 1879 at the same time as Fort Margharita on the opposite side of the river. Its wooden predecessor on the site was burnt down in 1857 during the Gold Miners’ Rebellion.
The Square Tower was built next to the first-ever prison of Kuching, which was built in 1877 and demolished in the 1930s. Many local sources believe the ground floor of the Square Tower was used as a maximum detention centre for holding criminals.
A landing point known as Pengkalan Batu is next to the Square Tower. There place the Brooke Rajahs of Sarawak would step ashore from their boats from the Astana when they arrived to deal with administrative matters at the Old Court House.
It later became a fortress, with both Fort Margharita and the Square Tower as sentry posts on their respective sides of the river. But a shot was never fired from the Square Tower in any conflict.
When the Brookes needed a dance hall, the tower was transformed for the Rajahs and government servants during weekends.
The Square Tower in Kuching is decorated with the coat of arms of the Brooke family (Photograph: Patrick Comerford, 2024)
The best time to visit the Square Tower is early in the morning or late in the evening when a gentle breeze sweeps through the area. From outside, the tower has a magnificent appearance. Inside, a steep climb up a spiral staircase is rewarded at the top with spectacular views of Mount Santubong and Mount Serapi, views that have enchanted visitors to Sarawak such as Somerset Maugham.
In his Borneo novels, Somerset Maugham renamed Sarawak as Sembulu and Kuching as Kuala Solor, and described Sarawak as a ‘terribly jungly place’. His short stories of lonely British colonial officers capture the difference of Sarawak, but are filtered through his Home Counties suspicion of ‘otherness’.
Some of the Europeans in Kuching who inspired characters in his later novels were outraged by what he had written and even threatened lawsuits; others, it is said, were jealous that he had not written about them. Yet his Borneo stories attracted many tourists to Sarawak.
The lime wash paint finishing has suffered in recent years and this has slightly damaged the structure of the wall. Nevertheless, it still is a great sight to behold. In recent years the tower became a multimedia information centre for tourists. Today, it is the Magenta Restaurant, where we had dinner overlooking the river one recent evening.
The Round Tower was built as a government dispensary in 1886 (Photograph: Patrick Comerford, 2024)
Nearby, the Round Tower Café and Restaurant is housed in the Round Tower, beneath the tall storeys of the Waterfront Hotel and across the street from the General Post Office, designed in 1931 by the Irish-born architect Denis Santry (1879-1960) of Swan and Maclaren Architects, Singapore.
The Round Tower was built as a government dispensary in 1886, two years after the great fire in Kuching in 1884 destroyed most of the buildings between Carpenter Street and the Main Bazaar.
Some local sources say that the Round Tower was built as a fort to protect the city in times of emergency, and the building has some windows that look like gun slots. However, when it was completed, the building was used by Brooke-era officials as a dispensary, complementing the medical headquarters in what is now known as the Pavilion Building.
The café in the Round Tower has seating in the two round towers (Photograph: Patrick Comerford, 2024)
The building was later destroyed in a fire but it was rebuilt in brick construction, retains the round towers overlooking the town. The Round Tower retains many of its distinctive Brooke-era features, including the door frames, windows and tiles. From the top of the tower, there are views across the town.
The Round Tower was used by the Labour Department in the late 20th century, and then as an office for a section of the Judiciary Department of Sarawak. For a time, it housed to a handcraft centre that opened in 2004, with displays from basket weaving, bead making and mat weaving to wood carving.
Today, the ground floor of the Round Tower houses a café and restaurant, there is seating in the two round towers, and the walls are lined with photographs from the Brooke-era in Kuching.
The Round Tower Café and Restaurant is housed in the Round Tower across the street from the General Post Office (Photograph: Patrick Comerford, 2024)
Patrick Comerford
During the past few weeks in Kuching, I have stopped for coffee on a few occasions in the Round Tower for coffee and had dinner nearby in the Magenta restaurant in the Square Tower, two fortress-like buildings that are part of the architectural legacy of the Brooke era and the rule of the ‘White Rajahs’ in Sarawak.
The Square Tower in Kuching, decorated with the Brooke era coat of arms, is at the edge of the Waterfront on the south bank of Sarawak River. It was originally built as a prison in 1879 at the same time as Fort Margharita on the opposite side of the river. Its wooden predecessor on the site was burnt down in 1857 during the Gold Miners’ Rebellion.
The Square Tower was built next to the first-ever prison of Kuching, which was built in 1877 and demolished in the 1930s. Many local sources believe the ground floor of the Square Tower was used as a maximum detention centre for holding criminals.
A landing point known as Pengkalan Batu is next to the Square Tower. There place the Brooke Rajahs of Sarawak would step ashore from their boats from the Astana when they arrived to deal with administrative matters at the Old Court House.
It later became a fortress, with both Fort Margharita and the Square Tower as sentry posts on their respective sides of the river. But a shot was never fired from the Square Tower in any conflict.
When the Brookes needed a dance hall, the tower was transformed for the Rajahs and government servants during weekends.
The Square Tower in Kuching is decorated with the coat of arms of the Brooke family (Photograph: Patrick Comerford, 2024)
The best time to visit the Square Tower is early in the morning or late in the evening when a gentle breeze sweeps through the area. From outside, the tower has a magnificent appearance. Inside, a steep climb up a spiral staircase is rewarded at the top with spectacular views of Mount Santubong and Mount Serapi, views that have enchanted visitors to Sarawak such as Somerset Maugham.
In his Borneo novels, Somerset Maugham renamed Sarawak as Sembulu and Kuching as Kuala Solor, and described Sarawak as a ‘terribly jungly place’. His short stories of lonely British colonial officers capture the difference of Sarawak, but are filtered through his Home Counties suspicion of ‘otherness’.
Some of the Europeans in Kuching who inspired characters in his later novels were outraged by what he had written and even threatened lawsuits; others, it is said, were jealous that he had not written about them. Yet his Borneo stories attracted many tourists to Sarawak.
The lime wash paint finishing has suffered in recent years and this has slightly damaged the structure of the wall. Nevertheless, it still is a great sight to behold. In recent years the tower became a multimedia information centre for tourists. Today, it is the Magenta Restaurant, where we had dinner overlooking the river one recent evening.
The Round Tower was built as a government dispensary in 1886 (Photograph: Patrick Comerford, 2024)
Nearby, the Round Tower Café and Restaurant is housed in the Round Tower, beneath the tall storeys of the Waterfront Hotel and across the street from the General Post Office, designed in 1931 by the Irish-born architect Denis Santry (1879-1960) of Swan and Maclaren Architects, Singapore.
The Round Tower was built as a government dispensary in 1886, two years after the great fire in Kuching in 1884 destroyed most of the buildings between Carpenter Street and the Main Bazaar.
Some local sources say that the Round Tower was built as a fort to protect the city in times of emergency, and the building has some windows that look like gun slots. However, when it was completed, the building was used by Brooke-era officials as a dispensary, complementing the medical headquarters in what is now known as the Pavilion Building.
The café in the Round Tower has seating in the two round towers (Photograph: Patrick Comerford, 2024)
The building was later destroyed in a fire but it was rebuilt in brick construction, retains the round towers overlooking the town. The Round Tower retains many of its distinctive Brooke-era features, including the door frames, windows and tiles. From the top of the tower, there are views across the town.
The Round Tower was used by the Labour Department in the late 20th century, and then as an office for a section of the Judiciary Department of Sarawak. For a time, it housed to a handcraft centre that opened in 2004, with displays from basket weaving, bead making and mat weaving to wood carving.
Today, the ground floor of the Round Tower houses a café and restaurant, there is seating in the two round towers, and the walls are lined with photographs from the Brooke-era in Kuching.
The Round Tower Café and Restaurant is housed in the Round Tower across the street from the General Post Office (Photograph: Patrick Comerford, 2024)