06 March 2021

Rathkeale and Kilnaughtin
Group parish notes in
‘Newslink’ March 2021

Holocaust Memorial Day was remembered in an empty church at the end of January

Rathkeale and Kilnaughtin Group of Parishes

Rathkeale, Askeaton, Castletown and Kilnaughtin

Priest-in-Charge: Revd Canon Patrick Comerford,
The Rectory, Askeaton, Co Limerick.

Parish Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/RathkealeGroup/

Lenten Study Groups

During Lent, members of the Joint Chapter of Saint Mary’s Cathedral, Limerick, and Saint Flannan’s Cathedral, Killaloe, are offering a Lenten Study Course based on the Anglican Communion’s Five Points of Mission.

These Lenten study evenings at 8 p.m. on Tuesdays began on 23 February: ‘Proclaim the Kingdom’s Good News,’ Canon Jane Galbraith (Roscrea). It is not too late to join these Tuesday evenings:

2 March: ‘Baptise and nurture new believers,’ Canon Liz Beasley (Adare); 9 March: ‘Respond to human need by loving service,’ Archdeacon Terry Mitchell (Cloughjordan); 16 March, ‘Change society’s unjust strictures,’ Canon Patrick Comerford (Rathkeale Group); 23 March: ‘Safeguard the integrity of creation,’ Canon Jim Stephens (Tralee).

To join these talks, please email the Dean of Limerick for a Zoom link.

Planning ahead … just in case:

The Covid-19 pandemic restrictions make it difficult to know when Church services with congregations are going to resume. Should restrictions ease during Lent or in time for Holy Week and Easter, these are the times of planned services:

Sunday 7 March (Lent III): 9.30, Askeaton, Parish Eucharist (HC 2); 11.30, Kilnaughtin (Tarbert), Morning Prayer.

Sunday 14 March (Lent IV): 9.30, Castletown, HC 2; 11.30, Rathkeale, MP.

Wednesday 17 March (Saint Patrick’s Day): 11, Askeaton, HC 2.

Sunday 21 March (Lent V): 9.30, Askeaton, Morning Prayer; 11.30, Kilnaughtin (Tarbert), Parish Eucharist (HC 2).

Thursday 25 March (The Annunciation): 11, Askeaton, HC 2.

Sunday 28 March (Palm Sunday): 9.30, Castletown, MP; 11.30, Rathkeale, HC 2.

Holy Week:

Monday 29 March Evening Prayer, Askeaton (8 pm); Tuesday 30 March, Late Evening Office, Tarbert (8 pm); Wednesday 31 March, Compline, Rathkeale (8 pm); Maundy Thursday 1 April, Maundy Eucharist, with Washing of the Feet, Castletown (8 pm); Good Friday 2 April, The Three Hours, Askeaton (12 to 3 pm).


Saturday 3 April (Easter Eve): 7 pm: The Easter Eucharist (HC 2), Kilnaughtin (Tarbert); 9 pm: The Easter Eucharist (HC 2), Askeaton. Sunday 4 April (Easter Day): 9.30 am: the Easter Eucharist (HC 2), Castletown; 11.30 am: the Easter Eucharist (HC 2), Rathkeale.

On-line sermons:

Meanwhile, during the lockdown, while church buildings remain closed, the Parish Eucharist continues to be celebrated, and the Sunday sermon and the intercessions go online through the Parish Facebook page and through Patrick’s blog (www.patrickcomerford.com). The sermons are also made available on YouTube.

Linda Smyth:

Linda Smyth of Deegerty, Askeaton, died on 13 February. Her funeral service took place in Castletown Church, and she was buried at Saint Mary’s Church, Askeaton.

Candlemas on 2 February marked the end of the Christmas season in an empty church

This is an edited version of the Rathkeale and Kilnaughtin Group parish notes in the February 2021 edition of ‘Newslink,’ the Limerick and Killaloe diocesan magazine.

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