14 June 2024

The philanthropist who
helped conserve
Hebraica and Judaica in
Lincoln College, Oxford

The library of Lincoln College, Oxford, has a remarkable collection of Hebraica and Judaica (Photograph: Patrick Comerford, 2024)

Patrick Comerford

Patrick Comerford

I was discussing All Saints’ Church in Oxford in a posting earlier this week, and how the former parish church on the High Street in central Oxford was transformed into the library of Lincoln College in 1975.

The upper reading room, with its elegant plastered ceiling, is known as the Cohen Room and its name acknowledges the generosity of John S Cohen Foundation, for many years identified with Dr David Cohen, an alumnus of Lincoln College.

Lincoln College has a relatively small collection of Hebraica and Judaica, with just over 400 works in Hebrew and Aramaic, with related works in Latin and Greek. Yet, the collection is remarkable, both for its range and depth and for the insight it gives us into the study of Hebrew in the 16th and 17th centuries, in Oxford and throughout Europe.

The collection comes largely from the private libraries of two Rectors of Lincoln College, Richard Kilby (1560-1620) and Thomas Marshall (1621-1685).

Richard Kilby was the Regius Professor of Hebrew in Oxford and one of the translators of the King James Bible. His library was rare even in its own time, with important editions of the Bible, biblical commentaries, and dictionaries of Hebrew and Arabic.

Thomas Marshall was one of the most important philologists of the 17th century. His library, with books in Arabic, Aramaic, Coptic, Syriac and Malay, as well as Latin, Greek and Hebrew, reflects the breadth of his scholarship and intellectual interests.

Thanks to a generous donation from the John S Cohen Foundation, the Lincoln Hebraica collection has been catalogued onto the Oxford online catalogue SOLO and is fully available to researchers.

The John S Cohen Foundation is particularly active in supporting the arts, higher education, conservation and the environment, making grants of over £500,000 a year.

The John S Cohen Foundation was set up in 1965 by Dr David Cohen and his family. David Cohen, who died in 2019, was one of Britain’s most active cultural philanthropists, and founded the Cohen Family Trust in 1980 with his then wife, Veronica. A former GP, he served on the boards of several arts institutions, including the Royal Ballet Schools, the Royal Opera House, the National Theatre Development Council and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Trust. He was a graduate and an honorary fellow of of Lincoln College Oxford.

David Cohen was born in Kensington on 6 January 1930, and grew up in Cricklewood. In an interview with the Journal of Medical Biography in 1996, he recalled that his parents were members of the United Synagogue and his early memories were of the Warm Lane Synagogue.

In an interview with the Jewish Chronicle in 2010, he spoke about his motivation for his involvement in arts funding. ‘I love all the arts. I couldn’t imagine a life without music for instance,’ he said. ‘One of my early ambitions as a schoolboy was to be an architect. In fact, when I was about nine or 10, I wanted to go to art school. My parents were not impressed. They felt I should get a good education first.’

When he went to Oxford after national service, ‘I felt a need to know more about my own cultural background,’ he told Harold Maxwell of the Journal of Medical Biography. ‘As a Jew, I was ignorant about my own tradition but, fortunately, at Oxford there was a very good school of Oriental Studies and one of the things the school included was Hebrew.’

He read Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic and Syriac for his degree (BA 1954, MA 1957). He then received a Fulbright Fellowship to study mediaeval Jewish philosophy at Brandeis in University in Massachusetts.

His father, John S Cohen, was a valuer and surveyor, and at 25 David Cohen became an estate agent. But at the age of 30 he decided to study medicine and qualified as a doctor from Westminster Hospital.

His lengthy engagement with philanthropy began in 1965, after returning from a travelling fellowship in tropical medicine in Uganda. That year, with his father, John S Cohen, he and his mother and brother set up the John S Cohen Foundation. The foundation facilitated generous donations to Jewish causes, in particular to the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

David Cohen, also gave his name to the David Cohen Prize, worth £40,000 every second year and made in recognition of the entire body of work of a UK or Irish writer. Recipients of the prize include: VS Naipaul, Harold Pinter, Muriel Spark, William Trevor, Doris Lessing, Beryl Bainbridge and Thom Gunn (joint winners), Michael Holroyd, Derek Mahon, Seamus Heaney, Julian Barnes, Hilary Mantel, Tony Harrison, Tom Stoppard, Edna O’Brien, Colm Tóibín and John Burnside.

David Cohen married Veronica Salmon in 1962. They were the parents of two daughters and they divorced in 2002. He married the prominent arts administrator Jillian Barker in 2003. He died at home on 4 August 2019, aged 89.

May his memory be a blessing זיכרונו לברכה

Shabbat Shalom שַׁבָּת שָׁלוֹם

David Cohen (1930-2019) … one of Britain’s most active cultural philanthropists (Photograph: Jewish Chronicle)

Daily prayer in Ordinary Time 2024:
36, 14 June 2024

Trinity Episcopal Church on Catherine Street, Limerick, was built in 1834 through the efforts of Edward Newenham Hoare (Photograph: Patrick Comerford)

Patrick Comerford

This week began with the Second Sunday after Trinity (Trinity II, 9 June 2024). The calendar of the Church of England in Common Worship today (14 June) remembers Richard Baxter (1691), Puritan Divine.

In the two weeks after Trinity Sunday, I illustrated my prayers and reflections with images and memories of cathedrals, churches, chapels and monasteries in Greece and England dedicated to the Holy Trinity. I am continuing this theme this week, with images and memories of churches I know in Ireland that are dedicated to the Holy Trinity.

Before today begins, I am taking some quiet time this morning to give thanks, for reflection, prayer and reading in these ways:

1, today’s Gospel reading;

2, a prayer from the USPG prayer diary;

3, the Collects and Post-Communion prayer of the day.

Inside Trinity Episcopal Church, Limerick, in the early 20th century … note the high pulpit in a focal position (Photograph © Archiseek)

Matthew 5: 27-32 (NRSVUE):

[Jesus said:] 27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ 28 But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29 If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away; it is better for you to lose one of your members than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30 And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away; it is better for you to lose one of your members than for your whole body to go into hell.

31 “It was also said, ‘Whoever divorces his wife, let him give her a certificate of divorce.’ 32 But I say to you that anyone who divorces his wife, except on the ground of sexual immorality, causes her to commit adultery, and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.”

The Limerick Civic Trust plaque at Trinity Episcopal Church on Catherine Street (Photograph: Patrick Comerford)

Trinity Episcopal Church, Catherine Street, Limerick:

Today there are two Church of Ireland churches in Limerick City – Saint Mary’s Cathedral on King’s Island and Saint Michael’s Church on the corner of Barrington Street and Pery Square.

Saint Michael’s Church, which was consecrated in 1844, replaced an older church, Saint George’s on George’s Street, now O’Connell Street, which was founded in 1789.

Saint Michael’s is also known as ‘the sinking church’ as it was not built on bed rock and has sunk ever so slightly over the years.

Saint Munchin’s Church was built as a Church of Ireland parish church in 1827. The architects were the brothers George and James Pain, who built the church in the Gothic style, with four pinnacles at the top of the tower.

Saint Munchin is the patron saint of Limerick. There are many legends about Saint Munchin, who is said to have lived in Limerick in the late seventh century.

Saint Munchin’s Church is on King’s Island, between the Bishop’s Palace and the Villiers Alms Houses. It was built in 1827 and was renovated in 1980 by the Limerick Civic Trust. It was a used for a period by the Island Theatre Company and is now used as a store for Limerick Civic Trust.

Saint John’s Church stands on the site of an earlier church in the Irish town area of the city, which dated from the 1200s. It is located at one end of Saint John’s Square, the first development of Newtown Pery.

The walls around the graveyard were built in 1693 and the present church was built in 1852. The graveyard is the burial place for many Limerick merchant families, including the Russells, who ran the largest mills in Limerick in the mid-19th century.

The church fell into disuse in the early 1970s as the Anglican population of Limerick city declined in numbers. It was transferred to Limerick Corporation in 1975. The interior was completely redesigned and for a period the church was used as a base for the Dagdha Dance Company. It is now the hub for Dance Limerick.

One Anglican church in Limerick that stood outside the diocesan and parochial systems for many years is the former Trinity Episcopal Church on Catherine Street. I often passed this former church on my way between buses in Limerick during the five years I was living in Askeaton, Precentor of Limerick, and the priest-in-charge of the Rathkeale Group of Parishes (2017-2022). But for many people, it must be easy to pass by this former church without noticing the building because of the way it has been integrated into the streetscape of Catherine Street.

Trinity Church was designed by the architect Joseph Fogerty and was built in 1834 as a chapel for a nearby Asylum for Blind Women through subscriptions raised in Ireland and England by the Revd Edward Newenham Hoare (1802-1877).

Edward Newenham Hoare was a Church of Ireland priest and the author of religious tracts and fiction. His father, Canon John Hoare from Drishane, near Millstreet, Co Cork, was the Canon Chancellor of Saint Mary’s Cathedral, Limerick and Vicar-General of the Diocese of Limerick, and as Rector of Rathkeale (1803-1813) he was one of my predecessors. Edward’s mother, Rachel (died 1850), was a daughter of Sir Edward Newenham MP.

Edward Hoare was born in Limerick on 11 April 1802 and was educated at Trinity College Dublin (MA 1839). He was a curate of Saint John’s Church, Limerick, in 1830-1831 and later was Archdeacon of Ardfert (1836-1839).

In the 1830s, Hoare was also the editor of the Christian Herald, and he published a number of sermons too. Around 1831, he first proposed opening a chapel for the blind in Limerick, but his plans were opposed by the then Bishop of Limerick.

But Hoare appealed for subscriptions throughout Ireland and the England, and the new church was built as a place of worship for the adjoining asylum for blind girls and women.

The new classical church was designed by the architect Joseph Fogerty and was consecrated and opened on 4 May 1834. Perhaps it was named after Holy Trinity Church, Rathkeale, where Hoare’s father had been rector earlier in the 19th century.

This was an attached three-bay, two-storey over basement limestone, pedimented church. It was flanked on both sides by a pair of attached two-bay, three-storey over basement red brick townhouses.

The central building is built entirely of smooth limestone ashlar. It has a recessed central double-height entrance bay with a pair of giant order Ionic columns, flanked by a pair of giant order Doric corner piers, flanked by similar giant order Doric pilasters. These support a plain architrave and frieze. The central recess is surmounted by a pediment forming a shallow breakfront, and continuing as a heavy cornice to either side.

A stringcourse is located at the first-floor level with channel rusticated walls to the ground floor level.

A large round-arched window opening with a panelled apron dominates the first-floor level of the recessed portico, with an arched 10-over-15 timber sash window.

Flanking the portico are single round-arched window openings with panelled aprons containing six-over-nine timber sash windows incorporating a spoked fanlight with margin lights. There are square-headed ground floor window openings, each with a limestone sill and an apron underneath, with six-over-six timber sash windows with margin lights.

Three square-headed door openings with double-leaf timber-panelled doors are located at the ground floor level of the portico, opening onto a limestone platform and a stylobate of five steps.

The flanking buildings have red brick walls laid in Flemish bond with cement repointing with concrete coping to the rebuilt parapet walls. There is a limestone plinth course at the ground-floor level over painted rendered basement walls.

The gauged brick flat-arched window openings have patent reveals and limestone sills. There are replacement six-over-six timber sash windows.

There are gauged brick round-arched door openings to each building with patent reveals, modern replacement carved timber door surrounds and overlight and panelled doors, dating from about 2000.

There is an in-filled basement to the south-flanking former house with a modern wheelchair ramp and replica spearhead railings, all dating from about 2000. The north-flanking former house has a concrete platform and four limestone steps that are flanked by replica spear-headed railings on a limestone plinth enclosing the basement.

A round green plaque placed outside by the Limerick Civic Trust reads: ‘Trinity Church An Episcopal church built in 1834 through subscriptions raised by the personal efforts of the Venerable Edward Newenham Hoare.’

Edward Newenham Hoare gave his name to Newenham Street in Limerick. He was Archdeacon of Ardfert (1836-1839), and was later Dean of Achonry Cathedral from 1839 to 1850, and Dean of Waterford from 1850 until his death.

His first wife was Louisa Maria O’Donoghue from Portarlington, and their children included the Revd John Newenham Hoare of Muckross and the Revd Edward Newenham Hoare, Rector of Acrise, Folkestone, Kent. In 1859, he married his second wife, the twice-widowed Harriet, daughter of Colonel George Browne.

Hoare died in Upper Norwood, London, on 1 February 1877 and he is commemorated by a plaque in Christ Church Cathedral, Waterford.

Hoare’s church was designed by the Limerick-born architect and builder Joseph Fogerty (1806-1887), who had a lucrative practice in the city. He was born into a family of builders working from Saint John’s Square in 1824 and from Newtown Pery by 1840, and was baptised in Saint Mary’s Cathedral on 9 March 1806.

His other works included the Theatre Royal in Henry Street (1841), Leamy’s Free School (1841-1845), a Tudor Revival building on Harstronge Street, and several houses in Limerick, and he worked in partnership with his son Robert Fogerty (1843-1917) from offices in Henry Street until his death in 1887.

The apse in the church was added by Joseph Fogerty’s nephew, William Fogerty (1833-1878), in 1858-1859 at a cost of £500.

A stained-glass window of ‘Christ healing the Blind’ was placed in the church in 1877 in memory of late William Franklin, manager of the Provincial Bank, ‘who took deep interest in the Blind Asylum connected with the church.’

Joseph Fogerty’s son, Robert Fogerty, removed the old gas fittings in 1895 and designed extensive alterations and improvements to the church, including new art metalwork, brass light fittings and a new lectern. The church reopened on 7 November 1895.

The building has been in government use since the 1960s, when the church was converted to office use on behalf of the local health board. The building is now used by the Health Service Executive (HSE).

The interior of the building was gutted around 2000, when the galleries were removed and an attic-storey added to all three structures. There is a flat roof with an artificial slate mansard front and sides with lead covered dormers containing uPVC windows.

The cut limestone centrepiece and the two flanking former houses appear to have been radically altered in recent years. But this set of three buildings on Catherine Street remain a fine architectural composition and they form a pleasant aspect in this intact streetscape in the heart of Limerick.

Trinity Episcopal Church remains an integral part of a fine architectural composition (Photograph: Patrick Comerford)

Today’s Prayers (Friday 14 June 2024):

The theme this week in ‘Pray With the World Church,’ the Prayer Diary of the Anglican mission agency USPG (United Society Partners in the Gospel), is ‘Estate Community Development Mission, Diocese of Colombo, Church of Ceylon.’ This theme was introduced on Sunday with a programme update. The Church of Ceylon is one of USPG’s Partners in Mission (PIM).

The USPG Prayer Diary today (14 June 2024) invites us to pray:

Father, thank you for a long-standing and cherished partnership between USPG and the Diocese of Colombo, Church of Ceylon. We praise you for your faithfulness.

The Collect:

Lord, you have taught us
that all our doings without love are nothing worth:
send your Holy Spirit
and pour into our hearts that most excellent gift of love,
the true bond of peace and of all virtues,
without which whoever lives is counted dead before you.
Grant this for your only Son Jesus Christ’s sake,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.

Post Communion Prayer:

Loving Father,
we thank you for feeding us at the supper of your Son:
sustain us with your Spirit,
that we may serve you here on earth
until our joy is complete in heaven,
and we share in the eternal banquet
with Jesus Christ our Lord.

Additional Collect:

Faithful Creator,
whose mercy never fails:
deepen our faithfulness to you
and to your living Word,
Jesus Christ our Lord.

Yesterday’s reflection

Continued tomorrow

Scripture quotations are from the New Revised Standard Version, Updated Edition copyright © 2021, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.