Dean Paul Bogle with Archbishop Richard Clarke and Patrick Comerford … Dean Bogle is the Harvest Thanksgiving preacher (subject to Covid-19 restrictions)
Rathkeale and Kilnaughtin Group of Parishes
Rathkeale, Askeaton, Castletown and Kilnaughtin
Priest-in-Charge: Revd Canon Patrick Comerford,
The Rectory, Askeaton, Co Limerick.
Parish Facebook page:
Bishop’s Visit:
Bishop Kenneth Kearon visited the parish on Sunday 23 August, preaching at Morning Prayer in Castletown and presiding and preaching at the Parish Eucharist in Holy Trinity Church, Rathkeale.
Beirut Collection:
The Covid-19 pandemic restrictions meant the traditional summer ‘Fifth Sunday’ united group service could not take place in the Rectory. Instead, this service took place on the Sunday 30 August in Holy Trinity Church, Rathkeale.
The parish reader, Siobhán Wheeler, preach at the this service, and the collection of over €120 is going to the Church of Ireland Bishops’ Appeal Fund special collection for Beirut following the recent devastating explosion in the port.
Tarbert Easter Vestry:
Since the September edition of Newslink went to print, Tarbert Easter Vestry met in Saint Brendan’s Church, Kilnaughtin.
Churchwardens: Eric Parkinson (Rector’s), Alan Fitzell (People’s); Glebewardens, Alan Fitzell (Rector’s), Joe Gleeson (People’s); Secretary, Margaret Fitzell; Treasurer, Nikki O’Mahony.
Select Vestry: additional members, William Fitzell, Ajay Philip.
Safeguarding Trust Panel: Nikki O’Mahony.
Triennial elections: Parochial nominators: Eric Parkinson (Joseph Gleeson, supplemental); Diocesan Synod: Joseph Gleeson (William Fitzell, supplemental).
Harvest Thanksgiving:
The consequences of the Covid-19 restrictions are difficult to predict in advance. But there are still hopes of holding our group Harvest Thanksgiving Service on Friday 2 October 2020 at 8 p.m., Holy Trinity Church, Rathkeale.
Subject to Covid-19 restrictions at the time, the visiting preacher is the Very Revd Paul Bogle, Dean of Clonmacnoise, Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, Trim, Co Meath.
Dean’s Visit:
As this edition of Newslink goes to print, the Dean of Limerick, the Very Revd Niall Sloane, and Canon Patrick Comerford, are having a ‘pulpit swap’ on Sunday 20 September.
Dean Sloane is preaching in Askeaton, and presiding at the Parish Eucharist in Tarbert, while Patrick is in Saint Mary’s Cathedral as the Canon Precentor, presiding and preaching at the Cathedral Eucharist.
Askeaton Castle is open to visitors … are you interested in a parish visit?
Askeaton Castle:
After many years of dedicated restoration work, Askeaton Castle has reopened to the public, and remains open until the end of October. Due to current restrictions, visits are restricted to groups of six, but there are plans for a parish visit. Please talk to Patrick if you are interested.
Rectory insights:
Many people are now accepting that our homes are now our offices, but rectories have always doubled up as parish offices.
In recent weeks, the Rectory in Askeaton has once again been a hive of activity, with meetings of the USPG trustees, various school boards, clergy and the cathedral chapter, the Church of Ireland Interfaith Working Group and the Council for Christian Unity and Dialogue all at the centre of Zoom meetings that have had unusual insights into life in the Rectory.
This is an edited version of the Rathkeale and Kilnaughtin Group parish notes in the October 2020 edition of ‘Newslink,’ the Limerick and Killaloe diocesan magazine.
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