This statement was read out this morning and was circulated in the diocese this afternoon:
The United Dioceses of Tuam, Limerick and Killaloe
27th March 2022
To: Rathkeale & Kilnaughtin Group of Parishes
Dear Parishioner,
As you are aware Canon Comerford has been on leave for the last number of weeks for personal and private reasons. This situation has not changed and in addition recent health reasons has led Canon Comerford to tender his retirement from the Rathkeale & Kilnaughtin Group of Parishes and other diocesan positions. This is with effect from 31st March 2022.
Whilst this may come as a surprise, I (as Commissary) have been offering what support I can to Patrick and Barbara over the last number of weeks and will endeavour to do so in the weeks ahead. Furthermore, I along with diocesan colleagues will help and support the parish in whatever way we can over the next period.
We thank Patrick and Barbara for their loyal and dedicated service to the parish and diocese over the last number of years and wish them every blessing.
On behalf of Patrick, Barbara and myself, I want to thank everyone, in particular the parishioners of the Rathkeale & Kilnaughtin Group of Parishes for their prayerful support.
Service cover will be organized by the diocese and communicated to the parish as soon as possible (with the service schedule remaining as it is already established). Pastoral emergencies will be covered by the Limerick Ministry Area Team (in the first instance please contact Canon Liz Beasley).
With every good wish
The Very Rev’d Niall J. Sloane
Dean of Limerick and Archbishop’s Commissary
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